Books & Literature

Book Review: Beware the Deep Dark Forest, by Sue Whiting

This is the story of a little girl bravely venturing into the Deep Dark Forest to retrieve her puppy, Tinky, but peril awaits at every turn of the page.

This is the story of a little girl bravely venturing into the Deep Dark Forest to retrieve her puppy, Tinky. With each turn of the page the reader is confronted with a peril, even worse than the last and yet Rosie forges on.

This is a story book about facing challenges and looking after a pet. It has intricate illustrations by Annie White that need to be looked at carefully to fully appreciate the detail involved. The story and illustrations have a European feel to them and indeed, give the impression that this is an old story retold, while illustrated more to the era of the original tale.

The fonts chosen add to the tale’s telling giving emphasis and caution to upcoming dangers. This is not a story for bedtime if your child is prone to taking fright from stories or nightmares, with venomous snakes, thick spiny vines, deep ravines, giant wolves and trolls, an active imagination will need a break before sleeping. It is a story for young ones learning to read when they are at the read-along stage. It’s a story that uses repeated phrases and descriptive words effectively. Several words are quite difficult and will need both explanation and assistance to read however.

I would recommend this book for 5 – 8 year olds and feel it would make a nice addition to a child’s story collection.

Reviewed by Leanne Caune

Rating out of 10:  7

Distributed by: Walker Books Australia
Released: October 2018
RRP: $24.99

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