
Time To Spring Clean Your Man-Cave

Men’s style guru Markus Hamence has some ideas for cleaning out your man-cave for the spring and making a bit of cash back while you’re at it.

Even though the house is full of little escape nooks for the average male including; the home office, the bathroom, the spare bedroom and even the pantry, sometimes these spaces just don’t cut it when it comes to a space to unwind from the daily responsibilities of being a bloke. There is something particularly endearing and masculine about the ‘man-cave’. For those men that already have this, they will swear by them. And for the wives that tolerate this space, they will be pleased with what I have to say. Every so often its vital for a reassessment of the man-cave, and there’s no better time for a clear out and a spring clean of the cave than now…Spring! And perfect timing guys because the ‘Annual Garage Sale Trail’ is just around the corner on October 22, so get get stuck into sorting through all your clutter and no longer needed man tool treasures in your life and make some extra money.

Now in its sixth year, Garage Sale Trail is a national initiative that sees hundreds of thousands of people participating in one big day of garage sales. Last year’s event saw almost 3 million pre-loved items on sale at over 13,000 garage sales across the country. Go to for more information.

But, for now, we’ve got some tips from Adelaide de-cluttering expert Rebecca Mezzino from Clear Space to getting your man cave ready for Spring…

• Be careful about relinquishing too much space to “I might use it someday” items. The more stuff you keep to ward off potential inconvenience in the future, the more inconvenient your current life becomes.

• Grouping smaller things together enables you to clearly see what you have and identify duplicate and superseded items for easy culling.

• Assess what is really important to you and only hang onto the stuff that’s relevant to your life as it is today, not how it used to be nor how you wish it could be.

• Be ruthless with unfinished projects. Finish them or ditch them if the chances of them being finished are remote (be honest with yourself!)

• Use boundaries to decide what stays and what goes. Decide on a storage space for a category of stuff and what doesn’t fit goes in the Garage Sale.

• Tools and hardware are always in demand so more will sell than you expect!

• Create an “unwanted” zone to prepare for the Garage Sale ahead of time and as you declutter, you’ll fill that zone.

Some awesome tips there lads. So don’t put it off like some of your other chores, get into it and create that enviable man-cave your mates will drool over.

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