
This Is The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of – The Australian Ballet’s Swan Lake

If you love witnessing exceptional talent, and want a wonderful evening out, make sure you head along.

One of my most poignant memories from my childhood was my sister jamming her cassette tape into the family boom box, and cranking out Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake whilst pirouetting around the house. Other kids (myself included) were more in to New Kids on The Block, but my sister Kathryn knew a good thing well before we had any idea what was going on.

Fast forward 30 years (wow saying that makes me feel OLD), and Kathryn still holds an incredibly fond place in her heart both for beautiful classical music, and the ballerinas that brought it in to her world. So, when I received an invitation to the opening night of Swan Lake by the Australian Ballet in Adelaide, I knew who I needed to take.

From the moment the curtain raised, and the breathtaking Adelaide Symphony Orchestra began playing those familiar notes, both Kathryn and I were taken back to a world of beauty, innocence and most importantly, a world where we still held secret dreams of becoming a ballerina.

Whether you’re one of the many thousands who flock to the ballet every time another season opens, or you’re looking for a great night out, there is nothing more spectacular that a stage full of the most athletically impressive, graceful, strong, brilliant dancers that I have ever seen. Everyone who attends the ballet for the first time walks away stunned at how amazing it is, and last night was no exception.

For me, the spectacle of 24 ballerina signets on stage, all in beautiful costumes, dancing to beautiful music, with beautiful choreography, just captivated me and took me in to another world. It was also the best performance I’d ever seen.

The lead dancers, Amber Scott as Odette and Adam Bull as the Prince, earned their coveted positions at the head of the troope, with their seemingly effortless leaps and amazing technique. Floating on air seemed entirely possible, and the transition from ballet dancer to swan, entirely believable, as the characters came to life on stage. The rest of the cast we’re equally impressive, and worked beautifully together.

There’s not much else I can say except, I’m now the best sister going around (you’re welcome Kathryn), and if you love witnessing exceptional talent, and want a wonderful evening out, make sure you head along.

Swan Lake finishes its season in Adelaide on May 31st, so get in quick! Tickets available here.


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