
Must Read Tips On Maintaining Positive Mindset

It’s one of the toughest challenges, but knowing how to build towards positivity is a part of the battle. FitMUM Kelly Delfos shares her tips on working towards a change in mindset.

Your mindset not only determines your entire outlook on life and how you handle situations, but it also impacts heavily on your health and the type of people you attract in your life.Whether you like it or not, you either fall into either a positive or negative mindset category. It might not even be something you have particularly thought about or are conscious of.

This is an area I am extremely passionate and interested in and I work with many client on this particular area. I also, personally, work hard on being a positive person however it can be easy to get caught up in the “woe is me” negative thought train at some stage. You need to take action and get out of that funk. Your whole life will improve drastically and you will naturally become a much happier person and the knock on effects will be huge.

Positivity tips:
– A great way to remain positive and practice positivity every day is to find something to smile about, even in the not-so-great situations. A simple smile is such a powerful tool.
– Try letting go of things that don’t really matter in life and don’t let little things get you down.
– As soon as you wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed, spend a few minutes to take 10 big deep belly breaths and focus on positive thoughts for the day ahead.
– Take time every single day to be grateful for people, surroundings, and things in your life. Before you go to bed each night, take 10 minutes to think about, or better still, write down 3 or 4 things that you are grateful for.

One area that I am sure we all need to work on is not falling into the ‘comparison syndrome’ trap. Stop comparing yourself to others. No good can come of it. Unfortunately, we live in a fast-paced, glorified, magnified, competitive, online world full of filters, status envy, social media profiles, keyboard warriors and crazy things like FOMO (fear of missing out). It’s exhausting really! It is important to remember that we are all on our own journey and there is absolutely no point in comparing your journey with anyone else’s. It serves no purpose. A glimpse of someone’s ‘supposed’ life, the one they have created for you to see, does not give you the full story. In fact, it is most probably hiding more than it is showing!

Personally, I find when I have a positive attitude and outlook I am not only much happier but I also attract positive energy, positive people and positive outcomes. I have had people say to me in the past “oh you always land on your feet!”, well no I don’t believe that is the case. I always know what I want, I set my mind to something, I truly believe in whatever it is and I am positive of the outcome…. so to me I deserve it and I certainly don’t see it as luck.

The difference between positive & negative mindset
Positive People

  • Say “it may be difficult but it is possible”
  • See the gain
  • See possibilities
  • Make it happen = proactive
  • Make the most of all situations

Negative People

  • Say “it may be possible but it’s too difficult”
  • See the pain
  • See problems
  • Let it happen = reactive
  • Let situations get them down

Of the above, which one are you? You can change your mindset. It will take time and lots of conscious effort but it is definitely worth doing. Here are some simple ideas that I have implemented and continue to help my clients implement, to get you started:

  • Become aware of it, acknowledge it and analyse your thoughts
  • Avoid negative self talk
  • Use positive self talk or mirror mantra’s
  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Even in the worst situations, take the time to find a positive. Sometimes it will be very hard but even the smallest positive is better than nothing
  • Don’t spend time dwelling on things as they are usually out of your control anyway. It will consume you if you let it.
  • Shrug it off, let it go and move on. Don’t let a bad yesterday dictate a bad tomorrow!
  • Keep working on it. It takes time to develop positive attitudes and change behaviours

For more health, wellness and positive mindset inspiration, you can check out FitM.U.M’s Facebook Page or FitM.U.M on Instagram

Stay Positive!

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