Glam Adelaide Members

Battery Saving Tips To Keep Your Phone Going For Longer

Festival season is well and truly among us. And it is around this time that we truly appreciate our reliance on our phones. But the biggest problem every. single. time? Our phone battery dies. But not anymore.

Festival season is well and truly among us. And it is around this time that we truly appreciate our reliance on our phones. Staying in contact with friends throughout the day and keeping everyone up to date with memorable moments is essential.

But the biggest problem every. single. time? Our phone battery dies.

We spoke to Apple certified iPhone technician and Co-Owner of family-owned Adelaide phone repairing business RepairTech, Ben Green, who has provided us with some handy tips.  Ben has done a little research into quick tips that we can do to prolong the precious time we have with our phones whilst away from our socket and chargers.

“We see many customers complaining about the battery life on their phone, but these simple tweaks can save you 3-4 extra hours of battery life,” says Ben. Here is what he suggested. 

  • Put your phone on Low Power Mode – flicking your phone up to the settings and pressing the battery icon.
  • Turn your brightness down to as low as possible – the darker the day gets, the more you can lower your brightness.
  • Turn off ‘share my location.’  You can do this through: Settings – Privacy – Location – Services.
  • Turn off any apps in the menu you’re not using through the Settings app. 
  • Turn off ‘Share Analytics.’ You can do this if you go to: Settings – Privacy – Analytics and then turn off ‘Share Analytic’
  • Turn off Advertising by Settings – Privacy – Advertising
Whether you are on a much-needed girls night out or family day trips with the kids, we all know that our phones are an extended part of ourselves. All of these changes can be put in place in order to keep your battery going for as long as possible at every occasion.
So there you have it, you can ditch the chunky portable chargers and just click a few buttons to make sure you can keep in contact with friends on nights out and keep snapping those memories.

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